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The impact of bike leasing on employee motivation

14 August 2024

In recent years, bicycle leasing has established itself as an attractive offer for employers and employees. It combines ecological sustainability with health promotion and offers financial benefits for both companies and their employees. But how exactly does bike leasing influence employee motivation?

Cyclist with helmet looks around

Health benefits and their influence on motivation

Increasing physical health

One of the most obvious benefits of leasing a bike is the promotion of physical health. Regular cycling improves cardiovascular fitness. Cycling is an aerobic activity that strengthens the heart and lungs. A study in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that regular cycling can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It also strengthens the muscles and helps to reduce body fat. Cycling works many major muscle groups and is effective in building muscle, especially in the legs and lower back. It also helps to reduce body fat. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that regular cyclists have a lower body mass index (BMI) and a lower body fat percentage.

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a long-term study showing that people who regularly cycle to work have a 41% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Similarly, there is evidence that regular physical activity, such as cycling, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which is supported by research in the Diabetes Care Journal.

Improving mental health

In addition to the physical benefits, cycling can also have positive effects on mental health. Exercise reduces stress and anxiety. Regular physical activity, such as cycling, can increase the production of endorphins, which promote well-being and reduce stress. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry has shown that regular exercise can be effective in treating anxiety.

A comprehensive analysis in the journal JAMA Psychiatry found that people who exercise regularly have a significantly lower risk of developing depression. Cycling, as a form of exercise, can help alleviate depressive symptoms and improve mood.

An employee who feels mentally and physically healthy is more motivated, more productive and shows higher job satisfaction. A study in the Mental Health and Physical Activity Journal found that people who cycle regularly report higher levels of life satisfaction and well-being. These improvements in mental wellbeing contribute to better job satisfaction and motivation.

Financial incentives and their motivating effect

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Tax advantages

Bicycle leasing offers tax advantages for employees. The monthly leasing installments are usually deducted directly from the gross salary, which reduces the tax burden and thus increases the net income. This financial advantage has a positive effect on employee motivation, as employees feel that they are benefiting financially from their employer's offer.

Lease a Bike Fahrrad E Bike Leasing Icon Euro Green

Cost savings in everyday life

In addition to the tax benefits, employees also save money in everyday life by leasing a bike. They need less money for public transportation or gasoline and can often park at their workplace for free or at a reduced rate. These savings add up over time and increase employee satisfaction as they can make their commute more cost-effective.

You can find more benefits of bike leasing with Lease a Bike for employers here. All the benefits for employees can be found here.

Sporty cyclist closes her companion's bicycle helmet
Three cyclists ride on cycle path

Sustainability and social responsibility

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Environmental awareness

Nowadays, many employees attach great importance to sustainability and environmental protection. By providing bike leasing programs, employers show that they share and support these values. Employees feel more connected to their company when they see their employer taking responsibility for the environment. This alignment of personal and company values can significantly increase employee motivation.

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Positive corporate image

A company that offers bicycle leasing positions itself as progressive and environmentally conscious. This positive image can make employees proud to be part of such a company. Pride and identification with the employer are important factors for employee motivation and loyalty.

You can read about the impact of bike leasing on recruiting in our blog article "Employee recruitment in the 21st century: Success strategies for modern recruiting"

Improving the work-life balance

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Time savings and flexibility

Traffic is a major problem in many cities. Riding a bike to work can often be quicker and less stressful than taking the car or public transport. This time saving allows employees to better balance their work and leisure time, which has a positive effect on their motivation and satisfaction.

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Promotion of an active lifestyle

An active lifestyle, which is promoted by regular cycling, helps to improve the work-life balance. Employees who exercise regularly are often more balanced and satisfied. This satisfaction and increased well-being contribute to motivation, both in their professional and private lives.

Team meeting in the office

Practical implementation and challenges

Choosing the right leasing provider

Choosing the right leasing provider is crucial for the successful implementation of a bicycle leasing program. Companies should choose providers that offer flexible and attractive conditions and at the same time guarantee good service.

Communication and information

It is important that employees are fully informed about the benefits and process of bike leasing. Transparent and regular communication promotes interest and acceptance of the program.

Read more about this in our blog article "How companies can optimally communicate bike leasing as a benefit"

Integration into the corporate culture

Bicycle leasing should be integrated into the existing corporate culture. Companies can support this by creating bicycle parking spaces, changing and showering facilities and by organizing bicycle events, challenges and health days/weeks.

Bike leasing offers a variety of benefits that have a positive impact on employee motivation. Promoting physical and mental health, financial incentives, supporting sustainability and environmental protection, improving work-life balance and strengthening team spirit are just some of the factors that contribute to increased motivation. By implementing a bike leasing program, employers show that they take the needs and wishes of their employees seriously and support them. This leads to happier, healthier and more motivated employees, which ultimately also benefits the company.

Have you already found your dream bike? If not - take a look at our bike finder.