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How do I register as an employer for company bicycle leasing with Lease a Bike?

As an employer you would like to offer bike leasing as an employee benefit? No problem! With Lease a Bike, your employees can quickly and easily lease their dream bike. Thanks to wage conversion, the wish wheel is paid monthly via the gross salary and your employees save on social security contributions and taxes.

And that’s how you register as an employer for bike leasing with Lease a Bike.

  • Register

Fill out the registration form for our bike leasing concept in just 5 minutes. We will then carry out a credit check of your company. After successful examination, you will be granted access to our online portal.

  • Portal setup

You define the company policies in the online portal. How much can the purchase price of the bike be? How many bikes can be leased per employee? You will then share your individual registration link with your employees. The registration for the bike leasing of your company is completely digital.

  • Approval

Every employee registration is checked by you and approved for bike leasing. This is done with just one click and your employee automatically receives an individual order code for the service bike order at the local bicycle specialist shop. The rest is done automatically via the digital portal.

  • Administration

A real-time export from our digital portal provides you with all the necessary information you need for the internal handling of bike leasing in your company and for your payroll.

What effort will I have to make as an employer?

Get started with bike leasing as an employer in just four steps thanks to our digital portal!

Minimal effort is also guaranteed following your registration: All it takes is one click to activate the employee's bike order in the Lease a Bike portal. It is also only necessary to enter the data for the salary conversion once at the start of the contract. In addition, incidents such as long-term illness or parental leave can also be reported via the Lease a Bike portal with just a few clicks.

In the event of theft or damage, you as the employer have no work to do, as the employees clarify the matter completely themselves with our specialist retail partners and Lease a Bike. In addition, you also have no workload at the regular end of the contract, as Lease a Bike coordinates the further procedure exclusively with the employees. Only in exceptional cases, if the employee cannot be reached by phone or email despite several attempts, will you as the employer be called in to help.

This way, you benefit from minimum effort and maximum benefit!

For which employment relationships is service leasing not an option?

In principle, all permanent employees can lease company bikes. However, who is allowed to lease a company bike is determined by you as the employer and can therefore be limited to certain employment relationships. Bike leasing for mini-jobs, for example, is usually not possible.

How long is the term of the company bike lease with Lease a Bike?

The term of contracts for company bikes is generally 36 months.


What is bike leasing?

You can offer company bicycle leasing in your company as an employee benefit. With Lease a Bike you enable your employees to quickly and easily lease their dream bike. Thanks to wage conversion, the wish wheel is paid monthly via the gross salary and your employees save on social security contributions and taxes. As an employer, you benefit from stronger employee loyalty and healthier employees, for example. You also contribute to sustainable mobility. You can also find more information here.

What are the benefits of bike leasing for employers?

Since 2012, the company car principle has also been applied to bicycles and e-bikes. Company bike leasing increases productivity, promotes health and has been proven to reduce employee sick days. As an employer, you can implement the offer free of charge and risk.

The advantageous salary conversion and the comprehensive all-round protection make the concept of the service wheel interesting for both employers and employees, thereby enhancing the company's image. Company bicycle leasing is now the most popular benefit for employees. Other benefits include reduced turnover, increased employee satisfaction and a positive contribution to the company's environmental footprint.

With Lease a Bike you also benefit from an extra portion of customer service. We are here to help you with the implementation and all questions related to e-bike and bicycle leasing with our first-class customer service. From a personalised online portal to personal on-site support. Find out more about the benefits for your company here.

How does the salary conversion work?

When the salary is converted, the employee receives part of the contractually agreed salary not in cash, but in kind for the period of the secondment of the service.

In other words, an amendment is made by means of an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which the future salary of the employee is reduced by a fixed amount (conversion rate) for the duration of the loan. This then results in the tax and contribution advantage for the employees. In addition, in most cases the monetary benefit is taxed. This is added to the gross monthly salary. What exactly does that mean?

Gross monthly salary

+ taxation of imputed income

- Conversion rate

- All-round protection costs

= new gross monthly salary

- Taxes

- Taxation of imputed income

= net monthly salary

If you now compare the net monthly salary without the company bike with the net monthly salary with the company bike, you get the monthly costs for the company bike leasing.

Below you will find some explanations of terms.

Conversion rate:

The conversion rate is the sum of the leasing rate and the cost of the selected all-round protection package, less any cost coverage by the employer The gross monthly salary is reduced by this conversion rate.

Taxation of the monetary advantage:

Depending on the form of provision by you as the employer, the use of the service bike is subject to taxation of the monetary benefit. In the event that a service bicycle is made available for unrestricted private use in the context of a salary conversion, the cash benefit must be taxed. The cash benefit of the company bicycle leasing is calculated at a flat rate of 1% of a quarter of the gross list price (GBP) rounded to the full 100€, added to the taxable income and taxed with it. Colloquially speaking, there is also a 0. 25% tax. The amount for the cash benefit can be found in the calculation overview on the calculator page.

What does bike leasing cost me as an employer?

The implementation of company wheel leasing is cost-neutral. As an employer, you can make use of our payment protection in the event of continued salary payments being discontinued. This happens, for example, if employees are ill for longer than 42 days and receive sick pay or go on parental leave. Lease a Bike takes over the leasing installments for a maximum period of 12 months, but only if the leasing contract has already been running for 6 months. In any case, we will always work with you to find the best solution - right up to the individual, cost-neutral return of the company bike for you as the employer.

As an employer, can I support my employees' company bike leasing with subsidies?

As a rule, employees lease via deferred compensation. A small portion of the gross salary is withheld as a leasing installment. This "remuneration in kind" must be taxed monthly at 0.25% of the gross list price. This does not incur any costs for the company.

As an employer, you can reduce the monthly conversion rate with a voluntary subsidy, for example through the fair amount. When the fair amount is applied, employer-side savings in social insurance that arise from deferred compensation are passed on to the employees, so that their savings from leasing are even higher than with classic deferred compensation.  

You can also pass the company bike on to employees as a salary bonus, in which case you pay the monthly leasing installments. In this case, employees do not have to pay tax on the non-cash benefit for private use.

What happens to the company bike at the end of the lease?
  • Three months before the end of the leasing contract, employees receive an e-mail informing them of the end of the useful life and, if desired, an offer to purchase the used company bike.
  • After accepting the purchase offer, employees receive an invoice on which the taxation of the monetary benefit arising from the purchase is confirmed in accordance with EStG §37b para. 1 with takeover by us (flat-rate taxation by third parties).
  • Employees can pay the purchase price by direct debit, Klarna Pay Now, Sofort Überweisung, credit card and PayPal. At the end of the leasing contract, ownership of the bike is transferred to you.
  • Your company will receive an annual overview of all bikes taken over and the corresponding proof of the transfer of the non-cash benefit in accordance with EStG §37b para. 1.

If you do not wish to purchase the bike, we can arrange for it to be collected from the user or the company.

What happens if continued remuneration is interrupted?

You can make use of our installment loss protection in the event of continued salary payments being discontinued.

This happens, for example, if employees are ill for longer than 42 days and receive sick pay or go on parental leave. Lease a Bike takes over the leasing installments for a maximum period of 12 months, provided the leasing contract has already been running for 6 months.

In any case, we will always work with you to find the best solution - right up to the individual, cost-neutral return of the company bike for you as the employer, unless one of the following options is possible.

These can be:

  • Change of user: You offer the company bike to another employee for the remaining term of the contract and take all necessary internal measures (e.g. supplementary agreements to the employment contract, handover of the company bike).
  • Premature termination of the existing leasing contract by mutual agreement for important economic reasons with possible takeover of the used company bike by the employee. The employee also has the option of financing the purchase price via our FINANCE A BIKE product.
  • In the event of a change of company, the existing leasing contract can be transferred to a new company. After a credit check, the contract will be continued by the new company with all rights and obligations and the company bike will continue to be provided to the employee for the remaining term.

Company managers can submit a request for the above options via the Lease a Bike portal.

What happens to an employee's leasing contract if the employment contract is terminated?

If one of your employees leaves the company and has a Lease a Bike company bike, we offer you the following options.

  • Contract transfer of the company bike to a new employee:

You can offer the remaining company bike to another employee for the remainder of the leasing term. As the employer, you take all the necessary internal measures (e.g. supplementary agreements to the employment contract, handover of the company bike, etc.) and ensure that the new user is registered in the Lease a Bike portal. Lease a Bike takes care of the name transfer. The transfer is free of charge.

  • Early termination of the leasing contract:

The employee or you as the employer have the option of buying the leased asset out of the leasing contract. Ownership of the leased asset is transferred after purchase. The employee also has the option of financing the redemption amount via the FINANCE A BIKE product. This requires online banking access and a valid identity card with German citizenship.

  • Transfer of the leasing contract to the new company:

Subject to a credit check, the leasing object is contractually transferred to the new company. The new employer now has the option of converting the existing leasing contract into a salary conversion and continuing to provide the employee with the leased object as a company bike. The prerequisite for this is a declaration of consent from the new company and registration with Lease a Bike. The transfer is free of charge.

Company managers can submit a request for the above options via the Lease a Bike portal.

What all-round protection packages are available?

Employees can choose between one of three packages - Basic, Premium or All-inclusive - with different budget limits depending on the selected bike and usage. The budget included in the package can be used for necessary wear and tear repairs and for an annual inspection*. Tyre damage is also covered by the individual annual wear and tear budget.

The budget per package is:

  • Basic: 75€ per year*
  • Premium: 200€ per year*
  • All-inclusive: unlimited budget*

*Note: The costs of the annual inspection are capped. The costs of the initial inspection are only billable up to a gross amount of €41.65 via the selected service package. The costs of subsequent annual inspections are only billable up to a gross amount of €83.30 via the selected service package. Any additional inspection costs are to be borne by the lessee or user.

What does all-round protection include?

Every Lease a Bike all-round protection package includes theft & damage protection, as well as a free Europe-wide mobility guarantee and a service package with an annual budget for wear and tear repairs and inspections. 

Theft & damage protection

Our theft & damage protection covers all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction to the company bike, e.g. due to

  • Theft, burglary or robbery
  • operating errors
  • Simple negligence
  • accidental damage
  • vandalism
  • Design, material or workmanship defects
  • Overvoltage, induction or implosion
  • Storm, frost, ice, earthquake or flooding
  • Damage to the motor or battery

There is no deductible!

Service package

Employees can choose between one of three packages - Basic, Premium or All-inclusive - with different budget limits depending on the selected bike and usage. The budget included in the package can be used for necessary wear and tear repairs and for an annual inspection*. Tyre damage is also covered by the individual annual wear and tear budget.

The budget per package is:

  • Basic: 75€ per year*
  • Premium: 200€ per year*
  • All-inclusive: unlimited budget*

*Note: The costs of the annual inspection are capped. The costs of the initial inspection are only billable up to a gross amount of €41.65 via the selected service package. The costs of subsequent annual inspections are only billable up to a gross amount of €83.30 via the selected service package. Any additional inspection costs are to be borne by the lessee or user.

Free Europe-wide mobility guarantee including 24/7 roadside assistance

In the event of a claim, we provide the following services to maintain mobility the following services:

  • 24-hour service hotline
  • On-site breakdown assistance
  • Arrangement of a bicycle repair shop in the vicinity of a breakdown
  • Towing*
  • Organization of onward or return journey after an accident*
  • Replacement bike for max. 7 days at €50*
  • Bicycle return transport*
  • Arrangement of emergency cash for bicycle tours abroad*
  • Assumption of accommodation costs in the event of a breakdown*

If you would like to take advantage of the mobility guarantee, please call 0049 4471 967 3113.

*from a distance of 10km from your permanent residence

How is the company bike insured?

Our theft & damage cover includes all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction to the leased object, e.g. due to:

  • theft, burglary or robbery
  • operating errors
  • Simple negligence
  • accidental damage
  • vandalism
  • Design, material or workmanship defects
  • Overvoltage, induction or implosion
  • Storm, frost, ice, earthquake or flooding
  • Damage to the motor or battery
Company car and company bike?

The company bike and company car can also be used at the same time. The 1% method then applies to both the company bike and the car.

In contrast to the company car, employees do not have to pay tax of 0.03 percent per kilometer for the journey to work.

Electric bicycles with a motor that provides assistance at more than 25 km per hour are classified as motor vehicles under traffic law and the non-cash benefit is assessed in the same way as for a company car.

Note: For company bicycles, the assessment basis for the taxable non-cash benefit is quartered and rounded down to the nearest hundred. This corresponds to 0.25% taxation.

Commuting allowance and company bike?

The commuting allowance for journeys between home and work is generally to be granted at € 0.30/km regardless of the means of transportation (Section 9 (1) No. 4 EstG).

Employer entitled to input tax vs. employer not entitled to input tax deduction: What needs to be considered?

The leasing installments for company bicycles are considered business expenses for business management purposes. This means that companies entitled to deduct input tax can deduct the VAT included from the conversion rate. The employees then convert the net leasing installments, resulting in even greater savings.

Companies that are not entitled to deduct input tax, on the other hand, convert the leasing installment including VAT, so that the savings for the employees are somewhat lower.

How long is the term of the company bike lease with Lease a Bike?

The term of contracts for company bikes is generally 36 months.

What types and brands of bikes can I lease as a company bike?

With the Lease a Bike service bike concept, you have a free choice of type and brand. We want you to be able to ride your dream bike. Get an overview of possible company bike leasing models in the Bikefinder or contact a bike shop near you for other bike models.

Can I lease several company bikes?

Your employer determines how many company bikes can be leased per employee. When you log in to the Lease a Bike portal with your access data, you will find information on the maximum number of bikes on the start page. If your employer allows you to lease several company bikes, it doesn't matter who is using the company bike.

You can also lease several company bikes with your existing order code. You can choose a different dealership or a later date. The code is only no longer valid once the maximum number of bikes has been reached.

If more than one company bike can be used privately free of charge or at a reduced price under the employment contract, the pecuniary benefit of providing the company bikes for private use must be calculated for each company bike in accordance with the 1% rule.

Note: In the case of the company bike, the assessment basis for the taxable non-cash benefit is quartered and rounded down to the nearest hundred. This corresponds to 0.25% taxation.

Does every bike dealer offer company bike leasing with Lease a Bike?

Lease a Bike has an active network of over 6,000 specialist dealers throughout Germany. You can find specialist dealers near you under the following link. If your desired dealer is not listed, please contact us. Registering a new specialist retailer can be done in just a few steps.

What is the difference between e-bikes and pedelecs?

Company bikes with electric motor assistance can be divided into two categories: 1. pedelecs or e-bikes and 2. S-pedelecs. The term "e-bike" is often used as a synonym for pedelec. 

With a pedelec (pedal electric cycle), the rider is assisted by an electric drive (max. 250 watts) up to a speed of 25 km/h when pedaling. It is legally considered a bicycle, may be ridden on cycle paths and does not require registration or a driver's license. Helmets are not compulsory.

Use the Bikefinder to find out which company bike is right for you.

What legal requirements apply to S-Pedelecs?

The S-pedelec (fast pedelec) as a service bike is functionally comparable to the pedelec, but the rider is supported by the electric motor (max. 500 watts) up to 45 km/h. As an S-Pedelec is classified as a moped, legal requirements apply:

  • Helmet requirement (§ 21a paragraph 2 StVGO)
  • Insurance license plate
  • Moped test certificate
  • Road traffic regulations

You must ride an S-pedelec on the road unless the cycle path is signposted for motorized two-wheelers, it is outside a built-up area or the motor is switched off.

If an S-pedelec is leased as a company bike via the Lease a Bike concept, for example, the commute (Section 8 (2) EStG) must be taxed at 0.03% of the list price per kilometer.


What is bike leasing?

Your employer can offer company bike leasing as an employee benefit. Lease a Bike enables you as an employee to lease your dream bike quickly and easily. Thanks to deferred compensation, the bike of your choice is paid for monthly via your gross salary and you save on social security contributions and taxes. If you use company bike leasing, you will also benefit, for example, from an improvement in your fitness and health as well as savings of up to 40% compared to purchasing. You also make a contribution to sustainable mobility by switching to a bike. You can find more information here.

How does bike leasing work for employees?

Bike leasing through your employer? No problem! With Lease a Bike, anyone can lease their dream bike quickly and easily. Thanks to deferred compensation, the bike of your choice is paid monthly via your gross salary and you can save on social security contributions and taxes.

How to get started with bike leasing and Lease a Bike: 

Convince your employer

Do you want a company bike? Talk to your employer first. Our team will be happy to help you.


Once your employer has successfully registered, you can register via an individual link in our online portal. Once your employer has approved your registration, you will receive an order code for your company bike.

Select a company bike

Use your order code to select your company bike from a specialist retail partner. You can choose any brand and any type of bike.

Get pedaling

You conclude a contract with your employer for the use of the bike. The term is 36 months. If you wish, we can offer you the company bike at the end of the contract period at a reasonable price.

Secure an information package now and convince your employer.

What are the benefits of bike leasing for employees?

Cycling is good for your health and your wallet. A company bike can be up to 40% cheaper than buying one. Salary conversion reduces your taxable gross salary and therefore also your social security contributions and taxes. You can easily see how much you can save with our calculator.

Here is an overview of the advantages of company bike leasing with Lease a Bike:

  • Free choice of brands in specialist shops
  • Over 6,000 specialist bike shops
  • Digital ordering process
  • Carefree leasing - thanks to all-round protection
  • Save up to 40% compared to a purchase

Another major advantage of bike leasing is that you can use the bike of your choice for both business and private purposes without any worries. Thanks to your company bike, you can integrate exercise directly into your everyday life, keep fit and make everyday journeys in a climate-friendly way. In addition, you often save time and money, for example in the form of travel costs, by replacing your car with a bike from time to time. A practical and efficient option, especially in the city. Find out more about the benefits here.

How does salary conversion work?

In the case of salary conversion, the employee receives a portion of the contractually agreed salary not in cash, but as a payment in kind for the period during which the company bike is made available. This means that a change is made by means of a supplementary agreement to the employment contract, in which the employee's future salary is reduced by a fixed amount (conversion rate) for the duration of the transfer of use. This then results in the tax and contribution benefit for the employee. In most cases, the imputed income is also subject to taxation. This is added to the monthly gross salary.

What does this mean exactly?

Gross monthly salary

+ taxation of imputed income

- Conversion rate

- All-round protection costs

= new gross monthly salary

- Taxes

- Taxation of imputed income

= net monthly salary

If you now compare the net monthly salary without the company bike with the net monthly salary with the company bike, you get the monthly costs for the company bike leasing.

Below are some explanations of terms.

Conversion Rate:

The conversion rate is the sum of the leasing rate and the cost of the selected all-round protection package, less any cost coverage by the employer The gross monthly salary is reduced by this conversion rate.

Taxation of the imputed income:

Depending on the form of the transfer by the employer, the use of the company bike is subject to taxation of the non-cash benefit. If a company bike is also provided for unrestricted private use as part of a salary conversion, the non-cash benefit must be taxed. The non-cash benefit from company bike leasing is calculated at a flat rate of 1% of a quarter of the gross list price (RRP) rounded down to a full €100, added to the taxable income and also taxed. This is also referred to colloquially as 0.25% taxation. The amount for the imputed income can be found in the calculation overview on the calculator page.

Why is my leasing rate so high?

The leasing rate shown in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract does not correspond to the actual costs for your company bike.

The leasing rate is shown net and gross. If your employer is entitled to deduct input tax, the net leasing rate is usually offset against your gross monthly salary. This reduces your taxable gross monthly salary. Your taxes and social security contributions are reduced accordingly. If your employer is not entitled to deduct input tax, the gross leasing rate will be deducted from your gross monthly salary.

The conversion rate in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract does not take into account a possible subsidy from the employer.

Would you like to know exactly how much you can save? Then visit our calculator.

What are the savings for me as an employee and how do I calculate them?

With salary conversion, you as an employee do not receive part of your contractually agreed salary in cash, but as a non-cash benefit for the period in which the company bike is provided.

This means that an amendment is made to the employment contract in which your future salary is reduced by a fixed amount (conversion rate) by mutual agreement for the duration of the transfer of use. This then results in a tax and contribution advantage for you as an employee. You can easily calculate your savings in our calculator.

What impact does bicycle leasing have on my pension?

Company wheel leasing via salary conversion reduces your monthly gross income and therefore also the social security contributions for your pension. This is often seen as a disadvantage of employee leasing. However, the resulting losses are minimal. With a bike price of 3,000 euros, for example, the future pension entitlement is reduced by around 2 euros per month if the bike is leased with salary conversion over 36 months. Extrapolated, this would be a total of 468 euros less pension for the entire pension entitlement period. This amount is less than the average savings from a company bike. There is also the positive health aspect: according to current studies, regular cyclists are not only fitter and healthier, they also live longer.

If you receive your company bike as a salary supplement, the employer bears the entire cost on top of your salary. As there is no salary conversion in this case, social security contributions are not reduced. The pension is therefore also not affected.

What happens if my continued remuneration is interrupted, e.g. due to parental leave or similar?

If your continued salary payments are discontinued, our payment default protection comes into effect. This happens, for example, if you are ill for longer than 42 days and receive sick pay or go on parental leave. Lease a Bike will cover the leasing installments for a maximum period of 12 months if the leasing contract has already been running for 6 months. In any case, we will always work together to find the best solution for all parties, unless one of the following options is possible or applies. 

These can be:

  • Change of user. Your employer offers the company bicycle to another employee for the remaining term of the contract. The company takes all necessary internal measures for this (e.g. supplementary agreements to the employment contract, handover of the company bike).
  • Premature termination of the existing leasing contract by mutual agreement for important economic reasons with possible takeover of the used company bike by you as an employee. You also have the option of financing the purchase price via our FINANCE A BIKE product.
  • If you change companies, it is possible to transfer the existing leasing contract to a new company. After a credit check, the contract will be continued by the new company with all rights and obligations and the company bike will continue to be provided to you for the remaining term.
  • Return. If all of the above points do not apply in your case, the bike must be returned to your employer. We will then discuss the details of the individual process with your employer.
Can my employer support my company bike leasing with subsidies?

Employers can reduce the monthly conversion rate with a voluntary allowance. However, there is no obligation to do so. However, experience shows that participation in company bike leasing among employees increases when employers pay a subsidy.

What happens to my company bike at the end of the lease?
  • Three months before the end of your leasing contract, you will receive an offer to purchase your company bike by e-mail. You can reply to the purchase offer using the button contained in the e-mail. 
  • You don't want to take over the bike? No problem, we will conveniently collect the company bike from your home. We will contact you for this purpose.
  • At the end of the contract period, you can use your existing order code to choose a new company bike from a Lease a Bike specialist dealer.
  • If you wish to take delivery of the bike, you can choose between various payment methods. 
  • Once you have successfully paid for the bike, you will receive the invoice including proof of ownership. The bike then becomes your property at the end of the contract. 
  • Bike Mobility Services GmbH will tax the non-cash benefit in accordance with §37b EStG. You will not incur any further costs.

If you do not wish to purchase the bike, we will conveniently collect it from you or your company.

If your continued salary payments are discontinued, our payment default protection comes into effect. This happens, for example, if you are ill for longer than 42 days and receive sick pay or go on parental leave. Lease a Bike will cover the leasing installments for a maximum period of 12 months if the leasing contract has already been running for 6 months. In any case, we will always work together to find the best solution for all parties, unless one of the following options is possible or applies. 

These can be:

  • Change of user. Your employer offers the company bicycle to another employee for the remaining term of the contract. The company takes all necessary internal measures for this (e.g. supplementary agreements to the employment contract, handover of the company bike).
  • Premature termination of the existing leasing contract by mutual agreement for important economic reasons with possible takeover of the used company bike by you as an employee. You also have the option of financing the purchase price via our FINANCE A BIKE product.
  • If you change companies, it is possible to transfer the existing leasing contract to a new company. After a credit check, the contract will be continued by the new company with all rights and obligations and the company bike will continue to be provided to you for the remaining term.
  • Return. If all of the above points do not apply in your case, the bike must be returned to your employer. We will then discuss the details of the individual process with your employer.
What happens to my leasing contract on termination?

If your continued salary payments are discontinued, our payment default protection comes into effect. This happens, for example, if you are ill for longer than 42 days and receive sick pay or go on parental leave. Lease a Bike will cover the leasing installments for a maximum period of 12 months if the leasing contract has already been running for 6 months. In any case, we will always work together to find the best solution for all parties, unless one of the following options is possible or applies. 

These can be:

  • Change of user. Your employer offers the company bicycle to another employee for the remaining term of the contract. The company takes all necessary internal measures for this (e.g. supplementary agreements to the employment contract, handover of the company bike).
  • Premature termination of the existing leasing contract by mutual agreement for important economic reasons with possible takeover of the used company bike by you as an employee. You also have the option of financing the purchase price via our FINANCE A BIKE product.
  • If you change companies, it is possible to transfer the existing leasing contract to a new company. After a credit check, the contract will be continued by the new company with all rights and obligations and the company bike will continue to be provided to you for the remaining term.
  • Return. If all of the above points do not apply in your case, the bike must be returned to your employer. We will then discuss the details of the individual process with your employer.
Can I terminate my leasing contract prematurely?

Premature termination of a leasing contract is also possible in certain cases during the agreed contract term of 36 months. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Can I also use my company bike for private purposes?

Yes, you can use your company bike for private purposes.

What does all-round protection include?

Every Lease a Bike all-round protection package includes theft & damage protection, as well as a free Europe-wide mobility guarantee and a service package with an annual budget for wear and tear repairs and inspections. 

Theft & damage protection

Our theft & damage protection covers all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction to the company bike, e.g. due to

  • Theft, burglary or robbery
  • operating errors
  • Simple negligence
  • accidental damage
  • vandalism
  • Design, material or workmanship defects
  • Overvoltage, induction or implosion
  • Storm, frost, ice, earthquake or flooding
  • Damage to the motor or battery

There is no deductible!

Service package

Employees can choose between one of three packages - Basic, Premium or All-inclusive - with different budget limits depending on the selected bike and usage. The budget included in the package can be used for necessary wear and tear repairs and for an annual inspection*. Tyre damage is also covered by the individual annual wear and tear budget.

The budget per package is:

  • Basic: 75€ per year*
  • Premium: 200€ per year*
  • All-inclusive: unlimited budget*

*Note: The costs of the annual inspection are capped. The costs of the initial inspection are only billable up to a gross amount of €41.65 via the selected service package. The costs of subsequent annual inspections are only billable up to a gross amount of €83.30 via the selected service package. Any additional inspection costs are to be borne by the lessee or user.

Free Europe-wide mobility guarantee including 24/7 roadside assistance

In the event of a claim, we provide the following services to maintain mobility:

  • 24-hour service hotline
  • On-site breakdown assistance
  • Arrangement of a bicycle repair shop in the vicinity of a breakdown
  • Towing*
  • Organization of onward or return journey after an accident*
  • Replacement bike for max. 7 days at €50*
  • Bicycle return transport*
  • Arrangement of emergency cash for bicycle tours abroad*
  • Assumption of accommodation costs in the event of a breakdown*

If you would like to take advantage of the mobility guarantee, please call 0049 4471 967 3113.

*from a distance of 10km from your permanent residence

Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of my company bike?

The all-round protection packages include an annual inspection of the company bike. The costs for the inspection and for wear and tear repairs are billed via the booked budget. You will automatically receive an e-mail from us as a reminder. Then contact one of the Lease a Bike specialist dealers and make an appointment.

The dealer will invoice Lease a Bike directly for the costs of the inspection. As an employee, you will never have to pay in advance.

Inspections and wear and tear repairs can be carried out at any Lease a Bike dealer.

Where can I have an inspection or maintenance carried out?

The all-round protection packages include an annual inspection of the company bike. The costs for the inspection and for wear and tear repairs are billed via the booked budget. You will automatically receive an e-mail from us as a reminder. Then contact one of the Lease a Bike specialist dealers and make an appointment.

The dealer will invoice Lease a Bike directly for the costs of the inspection. As an employee, you will never have to pay in advance.

Inspections and wear and tear repairs can be carried out at any Lease a Bike dealer.

Simply use the dealer search on our website to find a registered Lease a Bike dealer. Please find out in advance whether the dealer you are looking for can also carry out the service for the manufacturer of your bike.

What are the warranty periods for company bikes?

The statutory warranty period is two years. After this period has expired, damage, e.g. to the drive or battery on pedelecs/e-bikes, is still covered by our all-round protection during the term of the warranty. Warranty and guarantee claims are always handled directly by the Lease a Bike specialist shop from which the company bike was purchased.

Which parts are considered wearing parts?

Every Lease a Bike service bike receives an all-round protection package with an individually selected annual wear and tear budget upon conclusion of the contract. We use this budget to cover all necessary repairs to restore operational safety as well as wear-related repairs. This includes the following wear parts, among others:

  • Tire casing
  • inner tube
  • Brake pads
  • brake disks
  • chain
  • Cassette/sprocket
  • Sprocket
  • Chainring
  • Bottom bracket
  • lights
  • Brake and shift cables.
What happens if my company bike is stolen?

Firstly, a police report is mandatory in the event of theft. Using the file number and the household contents insurance details (if available), the report can then be easily submitted by the bike dealer via our portal. 

  1. The specialist dealer can access the online form via the ‘Damage & theft’ button in the menu.
  2. Using this online form, the theft report can simply be submitted digitally.
  3. Once the insurance company has checked and approved the claim, the specialist retailer receives approval and confirmation that the costs will be covered.
  4. Until approval is given, a selection/coordination with the availability of a bike of the same type and quality can take place between the specialist bike shop and the user.
  5. The invoice for the new bike and payment will be issued by us.
  6. The handover of the new bike requires our prior, final approval.

Note on object exchange in the event of theft within the existing contract with a bike of the same type and quality. The new bike must only have the same purchase value, including accessories, as the stolen bike. 

In order to guarantee that the theft report is processed quickly, it will only be submitted by specialised bicycle dealers. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

How do I report damage to Lease a Bike?

The damage report is simply submitted via the specialist dealer.

  1. The specialist dealer can access the online form via the ‘Damage & theft’ button in the menu.
  2. Using this online form, the claim can simply be submitted digitally. 
  3. Once the insurance company has checked the claim, the specialist dealer will receive authorisation to carry out the repair and confirmation that we will cover the costs.
What should be considered and included in damage/theft protection?

Our theft & damage cover includes all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction to the leased object, e.g. due to:

  • theft, burglary or robbery
  • operating errors
  • Simple negligence
  • accidental damage
  • vandalism
  • Design, material or workmanship defects
  • Overvoltage, induction or implosion
  • Storm, frost, ice, earthquake or flooding
  • Damage to the motor or battery
What do I do in the event of a breakdown?

Free Europe-wide mobility guarantee including 24/7 roadside assistance

In the event of a claim, we provide the following services from a distance of 10km from the permanent residence to maintain mobility:

  • 24-hour service hotline
  • On-site breakdown assistance including bicycle towing service
  • Organization of the onward or return journey after an accident 
  • Replacement bike in the event of a breakdown
  • Bicycle return transportation in the event of serious illness
  • Arrangement of emergency cash for bicycle tours abroad 
  • Arrangement of a bicycle repair shop nearby
  • Assumption of accommodation costs in the event of a breakdown 

You can reach our breakdown service on 04471 967 3113. You can find further contact details here.

Company car and company bike?

The company bike and company car can also be used at the same time. The 1% method then applies to both the company bike and the car.

In contrast to the company car, employees do not have to pay tax of 0.03 percent per kilometer for the journey to work.

Electric bicycles with a motor that provides assistance at more than 25 km per hour are classified as motor vehicles under traffic law and the non-cash benefit is assessed in the same way as for a company car.

Note: In the case of a company bike, the assessment basis for the taxable non-cash benefit is quartered and rounded down to the nearest hundred. This corresponds to 0.25% taxation.

Commuting allowance and company bike?

The commuting allowance for journeys between home and work is generally to be granted at € 0.30/km regardless of the means of transportation (Section 9 (1) No. 4 EstG).

Is there a tax benefit for the self-employed also?
  • Since 1 January 2019, self-employed persons no longer have to pay tax on the private use of company bikes (bikes and pedelecs). Only the VAT on the private withdrawal share is to be taken into account/paid. 
  • Since S-pedelecs are legally classified as motor vehicles, they are treated the same as electric cars for tax purposes. Since 01.01.2019, the 0.25% regulation for taxation for private use and an additional 0.03% of the quartered assessment basis, rounded down to a full € 100, times one way (km) home/work must also be taxed here.
  • The leasing instalments and running costs of a company bike are business expenses and are tax deductible.
  • Self-employed persons who are entitled to input tax deduction can also deduct the sales tax from the leasing instalments that is included in the instalments. 
  • Moreover, self-employed persons can still claim a lump sum of 0.30 euro/kilometre for the one-way commute to the place of work on their tax return. 
  • How high is my individual tax benefit? This depends on the turnover and, of course, the respective individual tax rate, regardless of the type of bike chosen. We recommend that you always contact your tax advisor to calculate your individual savings.
What options do I have as a self-employed person at the end of the agreement?
  • Would you like to purchase the bike at the end of the agreement? Whether a company or as a private individual – just let us know! We will be happy to make you an attractive offer approx. 3 months before the regular end of the agreement.
  • Want to stop using the bike? Simply return it to us via one of our more than 3,000 Lease a Bike dealers.

For further questions, please contact us.


How is a claim reported?

Claims can easily be submitted by the specialist dealer via our portal.

  • The "Damage & Theft" button in the menu takes the specialist dealer to the online form.
  • This online form makes it easy to submit the claim electronically.
  • The insurance company will review the claim and give the dealer approval for the costs to be covered by us.
  • Reimbursement of the costs to the specialist dealer will be made directly via us after receipt of the invoice.

Note: In order to guarantee rapid processing of the claim, it is submitted exclusively by the specialist dealer. For further questions, please contact us.

Which parts are considered wear parts?

Every Lease a Bike company bike receives an obligatory all-round protection package with an individually selected annual wear budget. All necessary repairs to restore operational safety as well as repairs due to wear and tear are charged to this account. The following wear parts, among others, are taken into account.

  • Tyres
  • Inner tube
  • Brake pads
  • Brake discs
  • Chain
  • Cogset / sprocket
  • Pinion
  • Chainring
  • Bottom bracket
  • Light sources
  • Brake and shift cables

For further questions, please contact us.

How do I report wear and tear repairs?

Reports can easily be submitted by the specialist dealer via our portal.

  • The "Service & Maintenance" button in the menu takes the specialist dealer to the online form.
  • This online form makes it easy to submit the report electronically.
  • We will review the claim and give the dealer approval that the costs to be covered.
  • The reimbursement of the costs to the specialist dealer with settlement via the available budget within the scope of the all-round protection takes place directly after receipt of the invoice.

Note: In order to guarantee rapid processing of the claim, it is submitted exclusively by the specialist dealer. For further questions, please contact us.

How is a theft report made?

Reports can easily be submitted by the specialist dealer via our portal.

  • The "Damage & Theft" button in the menu takes the specialist dealer to the online form.
  • This online form makes it easy to submit the theft report electronically.
  • The specialist dealer receives approval and confirmation of cost coverage after inspection and confirmation of compensation by the insurance company.
  • A selection/coordination with availability of a bike of the same type and quality can be made between the specialist dealer and the user until approval.
  • The invoicing of the new bike and also the payment is done by us.
  • The handover of the new bike requires a prior, final approval by us.

Note on exchanging objects in the event of theft within the existing agreement with a bike of the same type and quality. The new bike only has to have the same purchase value, including accessories, as the stolen bicycle. 

In order to guarantee rapid processing of the theft report, it is submitted exclusively by the specialist dealer. For further questions, please contact us.

What does the all-round protection include and what is covered?

Damage protection

Our damage cover includes all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction to the leased item, e.g. due to:

  • theft, burglary or robbery
  • Operating errors
  • Simple negligence
  • Accidental damage
  • Vandalism
  • Defects in design, materials or workmanship
  • Overvoltage, induction or implosion
  • Storm, frost, ice, earthquake or flooding
  • Damage to motor or battery

Europe-wide free mobility guarantee

To maintain mobility, our company bikes are covered by a Europe-wide free mobility guarantee.

Benefits include:

  • 24-hour service hotline
  • On-site breakdown assistance including bicycle towing service
  • We organise the towing of the bike to the nearest suitable bicycle repair shop and cover the costs for this.
  • Organisation of the onward or return journey after an accident 
  • Replacement bike in the event of a breakdown 
  • We will arrange a replacement bicycle for you and pay the costs of hiring it until you are ready to ride again for a maximum of 7 days, up to a maximum of € 50 per day.
  • Bike return transport
  • If the bicycle cannot be repaired at the place of damage within three working days, we will arrange for its return to a workshop near your home. 
  • Arrangement of emergency cash for bike tours abroad
  • Coverage of overnight costs in the event of a breakdown
  • If the repair of the bike takes longer, we will reserve overnight accommodation for a maximum of five nights and pay the costs up to a maximum of 80 € per night.
  • Arrangement of a bicycle repair shop in the vicinity

Maintenance Package

Employees can choose between one of three packages - Basic, Premium or All-inclusive - with different budget limits depending on the selected bike and usage. The budget included in the package can be used for necessary wear and tear repairs and for an annual inspection*. Tyre damage is also covered by the individual annual wear and tear budget.

The budget per package is:

  • Basic: 75€ per year*
  • Premium: 200€ per year*
  • All-inclusive: unlimited budget*

*Note: The costs of the annual inspection are capped. The costs of the initial inspection are only billable up to a gross amount of €41.65 via the selected service package. The costs of subsequent annual inspections are only billable up to a gross amount of €83.30 via the selected service package. Any additional inspection costs are to be borne by the lessee or user.

What is considered and included in the damage/theft protection?

The company bike must be locked with, but not connected to, a commercially available brand-name lock, unless it is physically located in an enclosed area. Protection is provided 24/7. Damage/theft reports are to be made directly to us using a form. In the event of theft, a police report is mandatory (File number). Your employer as lessee must also be informed immediately in the event of a claim. You can fill out this notification of claim form on your own or together with your specialist dealer, who will be happy to assist you. For further questions, please contact us.

What are the warranty periods for the company bike?

The statutory warranty is two years. After expiry of this period, damage e.g. to the drive or battery on pedelecs/e-bikes continues to be covered by our all-round cover during the term. Warranty and guarantee claims are always handled directly by the Lease a Bike dealer from whom the company bike was purchased. For further questions, please contact us.

Is a leasing agreement terminated in the event of theft?

As part of the all-round protection, every Lease a Bike company bike is covered against theft 24/7, provided that the company bike was locked. It is always replaced at replacement value and an object exchange is made in the existing agreement. As a rule, termination of the existing agreement is not necessary. Of course, this does not affect the lessee's special right of termination in accordance with the terms and conditions of the leasing agreement with a claim for compensation from the lessor at the settlement value of the agreement on the date of the claim. In the event of theft, a police report number is, of course, important when reporting the theft to us.

In which cases is there an underwriting loss?

The term “damage” includes all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction of the company bike, e.g. by:

●      Operating errors

●      Minor negligence

●      Accidental damage

●      Vandalism

●      Defects in design, material or workmanship

●      Overvoltage, induction or implosion

●      Storm, frost, ice drift, earthquake or flooding

●      Fire, lightning, explosion or implosion

●      Damage to engine or battery

●      Lack of oil and lubricant

●      Failure of measurement or control technology

Punctured tyres are not considered damage within the scope of the insurance policy. Tyre damage on a Lease a Bike company bike is always settled via the annual wear budget included in the all-round protection package.

Which parts are considered wear parts?

Every Lease a Bike company bike receives an obligatory all-round protection package with an individually selected annual wear budget. All necessary repairs to restore operational safety as well as repairs due to wear and tear are charged to this account. The following wear parts, among others, are taken into account.

●      Tyres

●      Inner tube

●      Brake pads

●      Brake discs

●      Chain

●      Cogset / sprocket

●      Pinion

●      Chainring

●      Bottom bracket

●      Light sources

●      Brake and shift cables

Can accessories be added later during the preparation of the leasing application?

Since the leasing application and the supplementary agreement to the employment contract have already been systematically created during the application process with confirmation of the bike and accessories and selection of the appropriate all-round protection package, it is no longer possible to add accessories at a later date.

Our service staff can delete the leasing application/supplementary agreement to the employment contract that has been created and you can then create it again with the desired accessories. Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you!  Contact

Do you offer specialist dealer training courses?

We regularly offer specialist dealer training.

The concept, processes from the perspective of the specialised dealer and the legal basis of company bike leasing will be discussed.

The training is free of charge and take place online. This way, as many members of your team as possible can be present.

Once you have participated in one of our training courses, you will be listed as a “certified specialist dealer” under the specialist dealer search on our website. Potential customers who are looking for a dealer are thus informed directly that you can provide the best advice on company bike leasing with Lease a Bike.

As a registered dealer, you will be notified in advance of upcoming training dates by e-mail. 

Not yet a dealer? Register here now!


How is a claim reported?

Claims can easily be submitted by the specialist dealer via our portal.

  • The "Damage & Theft" button in the menu takes the specialist dealer to the online form.
  • This online form makes it easy to submit the claim electronically.
  • The insurance company will review the claim and give the dealer approval for the costs to be covered by us.
  • Reimbursement of the costs to the specialist dealer will be made directly via us after receipt of the invoice.

Note: In order to guarantee rapid processing of the claim, it is submitted exclusively by the specialist dealer. For further questions, please contact us.

Which parts are considered wear parts?

Every Lease a Bike company bike receives an obligatory all-round protection package with an individually selected annual wear budget. All necessary repairs to restore operational safety as well as repairs due to wear and tear are charged to this account. The following wear parts, among others, are taken into account.

  • Tyres
  • Inner tube
  • Brake pads
  • Brake discs
  • Chain
  • Cogset / sprocket
  • Pinion
  • Chainring
  • Bottom bracket
  • Light sources
  • Brake and shift cables

For further questions, please contact us.

How do I report wear and tear repairs?

Reports can easily be submitted by the specialist dealer via our portal.

  • The "Service & Maintenance" button in the menu takes the specialist dealer to the online form.
  • This online form makes it easy to submit the report electronically.
  • We will review the claim and give the dealer approval that the costs to be covered.
  • The reimbursement of the costs to the specialist dealer with settlement via the available budget within the scope of the all-round protection takes place directly after receipt of the invoice.

Note: In order to guarantee rapid processing of the claim, it is submitted exclusively by the specialist dealer. For further questions, please contact us.

How is a theft report made?

Reports can easily be submitted by the specialist dealer via our portal.

  • The "Damage & Theft" button in the menu takes the specialist dealer to the online form.
  • This online form makes it easy to submit the theft report electronically.
  • The specialist dealer receives approval and confirmation of cost coverage after inspection and confirmation of compensation by the insurance company.
  • A selection/coordination with availability of a bike of the same type and quality can be made between the specialist dealer and the user until approval.
  • The invoicing of the new bike and also the payment is done by us.
  • The handover of the new bike requires a prior, final approval by us.

Note on exchanging objects in the event of theft within the existing agreement with a bike of the same type and quality. The new bike only has to have the same purchase value, including accessories, as the stolen bicycle. 

In order to guarantee rapid processing of the theft report, it is submitted exclusively by the specialist dealer. For further questions, please contact us.

What does the all-round protection include and what is covered?

Damage protection

Our damage cover includes all sudden and unforeseeable damage or destruction to the leased item, e.g. due to:

  • theft, burglary or robbery
  • Operating errors
  • Simple negligence
  • Accidental damage
  • Vandalism
  • Defects in design, materials or workmanship
  • Overvoltage, induction or implosion
  • Storm, frost, ice, earthquake or flooding
  • Damage to motor or battery

Europe-wide free mobility guarantee

To maintain mobility, our company bikes are covered by a Europe-wide free mobility guarantee.

Benefits include:

  • 24-hour service hotline
  • On-site breakdown assistance including bicycle towing service
  • We organise the towing of the bike to the nearest suitable bicycle repair shop and cover the costs for this.
  • Organisation of the onward or return journey after an accident 
  • Replacement bike in the event of a breakdown 
  • We will arrange a replacement bicycle for you and pay the costs of hiring it until you are ready to ride again for a maximum of 7 days, up to a maximum of € 50 per day.
  • Bike return transport
  • If the bicycle cannot be repaired at the place of damage within three working days, we will arrange for its return to a workshop near your home. 
  • Arrangement of emergency cash for bike tours abroad
  • Coverage of overnight costs in the event of a breakdown
  • If the repair of the bike takes longer, we will reserve overnight accommodation for a maximum of five nights and pay the costs up to a maximum of 80 € per night.
  • Arrangement of a bicycle repair shop in the vicinity

Maintenance Package

Employees can choose between one of three packages - Basic, Premium or All-inclusive - with different budget limits depending on the selected bike and usage. The budget included in the package can be used for necessary wear and tear repairs and for an annual inspection*. Tyre damage is also covered by the individual annual wear and tear budget.

The budget per package is:

  • Basic: 75€ per year*
  • Premium: 200€ per year*
  • All-inclusive: unlimited budget*

*Note: The costs of the annual inspection are capped. The costs of the initial inspection are only billable up to a gross amount of €41.65 via the selected service package. The costs of subsequent annual inspections are only billable up to a gross amount of €83.30 via the selected service package. Any additional inspection costs are to be borne by the lessee or user.

What is considered and included in the damage/theft protection?

The company bike must be locked with, but not connected to, a commercially available brand-name lock, unless it is physically located in an enclosed area. Protection is provided 24/7. Damage/theft reports are to be made directly to us using a form. In the event of theft, a police report is mandatory (File number). Your employer as lessee must also be informed immediately in the event of a claim. You can fill out this notification of claim form on your own or together with your specialist dealer, who will be happy to assist you. For further questions, please contact us.

What are the warranty periods for the company bike?

The statutory warranty is two years. After expiry of this period, damage e.g. to the drive or battery on pedelecs/e-bikes continues to be covered by our all-round cover during the term. Warranty and guarantee claims are always handled directly by the Lease a Bike dealer from whom the company bike was purchased. For further questions, please contact us.

Can an agreement be terminated prematurely?

Premature termination of a leasing agreement is allowed under certain circumstances during the contractually agreed period of 36 months. Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you! Contact

What happens at the end of the 36-month agreement period?

●      The employee will receive an e-mail 4-6 weeks before the end of the leasing agreement informing him/her of the end of the period of use, which will include an offer to purchase the used company bike. 

●      If the employee accepts the purchase offer, he/she will receive an invoice confirming the taxation of the monetary benefit arising from the purchase in accordance with §37b para. 1 EStG [Income Tax Act] with takeover by us (flat-rate taxation by third parties).

●      The employee can pay the purchase price by bank transfer/direct debit.

●      Your company will also receive a copy of the invoice as proof that we have taken over the non-cash benefit in accordance with §37b para. 1 EStG.

If the employee does not wish to purchase the company bike, it must be returned to us at the end of the agreement via a Lease a Bike specialist dealer.

Difference between residual value, purchase price, market price?

There is often a great deal of confusion about the meaning of these terms.

Residual value: This is a purely calculatory figure in leasing and is often confused with the purchase price at the end of the contract term.

Purchase price: This is the price at which the used company bike is sold at the end of the contract.

Market price: This refers to the price that is paid for a given good at a given time in a given market for a unit of that good. 

In the absence of a current general second-hand market for bikes/pedelecs, unlike for motor vehicles, the Higher Tax Authority has set this market price at 40% of the recommended retail price gross after 36 months to simplify matters and in line with the depreciation table. However, it should be noted that in connection with the taxation of the pecuniary advantage, a lower value can be proven in the event of a difference between the purchase price and the market price.

What happens if the continued payment of remuneration is interrupted?

In the event that continued remuneration is discontinued, e.g. leaving work due to prolonged illness, parental leave or other possible reasons, we are happy to work with you to find the best solution for you, up to and including an individual, cost-neutral return for you as the employer, provided that one of the following options is not possible or does not apply. 

This can be, for example:

●      Change of user: Offering the company bike to another employee for the remaining term of the agreement and taking all measures required internally for this purpose. (e.g. supplementary agreements to the employment contract, handover of the company bike, etc.)

●      Early termination of the existing leasing contract by mutual agreement for an important economic reason with possible takeover of the used company bike by the employee. Optionally, the employee also has the option of financing the purchase price via our FINANCE A BIKE product.

●      In the event of a change of employer, a transfer of the existing leasing agreement to a new employer is possible. After a credit check has been carried out, the agreement with all rights and obligations will be continued by the new employer and the company bike will continue to be provided to you for the remaining term.

Would you like more details about this? Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you! Contact

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