Advertise bike leasing correctly

Are you an employer in the public sector and want to implement bike leasing as an employee benefit? We have summarised everything you need to know to make it easier for you to tender. Find out which steps you need to consider and which exceptions need to be taken into account. You can find further information summarised at a glance in our guide.

man on bike in front of building

Your most important steps


Check collective agreements

Make yourself smart! Invest time in understanding the framework of the collective agreements to maximise the opportunities for your employees.


Estimate order value

The estimated order value is essential for the tender. This is calculated from the estimated total of company bikes that you will lease for your employees. Our guide provides instructions for drawing up the invoice.


Tender scope

Do you have to tender EU-wide or nationally? Your order value will decide this. This is because threshold values apply in this respect, which you can view at the BMWK. Is your estimated value above or below this limit?


Determine the correct award procedure

There are various forms of procurement: public, open, non-open, restricted or negotiated. Read our guide to find out which type of procedure is suitable for you.


Define service catalogue

To prepare the final tender, you also need to compile and define a catalogue of services. Think about the joint bidder declaration, interest escalation clauses, the general leasing conditions, insurance and services as well as communication and training requirements.

Framework conditions of
the collective agreements

TV-bike leasing

for employees in the municipal public service.

  • Leasing period is 36 months
  • Maximum of one bicycle/pedelec per person
  • Maximum amount of €7,000 (RRP bike incl. accessories)
  • Excluded occupational groups are trainees, pupils, dual students, interns, marginal employees and employees in the release phase of partial retirement
  • No S-Pedelecs possible
TV-L with bike leasing

for employees of the federal states.

  • Leasing period is 36 months
  • Maximum of one bicycle/pedelec per person
  • Minimum amount of €750, maximum amount of €7,000 (RRP bike incl. accessories)
  • Excluded occupational groups are employees in probationary periods, terminated or fixed-term employment (fixed term shorter than leasing period) and employees with remuneration in assignment, set-off or seizure as well as insolvency.
  • No S-Pedelecs possible

Please note the exceptions.

Depending on the federal state

Deviations may occur in Hesse, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

For civil servants

In some cases, separate regulations apply to civil servants.

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Your service catalogue: What should not be missing from your tender?

Icon for customer service

Bidding consortium declaration

As a rule, bicycle leasing is offered as a joint service by a service provider and a leasing company. We recommend that you request a corresponding declaration in the tender.

Euro Icon

Interest escalation clauses

Look into interest escalation clauses with standard market specifications in order to obtain an optimised offer. Why? They regulate how the leasing factor offered can be adjusted during the term of the contract.

Icon Check

General leasing conditions & all contracts

In order to achieve a legally secure contractual basis, you should request the general leasing conditions as well as all necessary contracts within the tender.

Icon All-round protection

Insurance and services

In order to select the best possible company bike leasing provider for your employees, we recommend that you get a comprehensive impression of the product on offer in advance. Have benefits such as insurance and service explained to you in detail.

Icon Happy Smiley

Communication & training

If you offer company bike leasing, your employees should be fully informed and be able to obtain the necessary information at any time. It is therefore important to define your requirements for the leasing provider's support in terms of communication and training on the product in advance.

Personalised advice? You can get it from us.

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Municipalities and departments that are already convinced by Lease a Bike.

Over 500 local authorities and departments already rely on Lease a Bike.

Logo Landeshauptstadt Hannover
Logo AOK Niedersachen
Logo Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Logo Münster Stadtwerke Und Stadtnetze
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Rhein Neckar Verkehr
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Staedte Region Aachen
Logo Friesland Kliniken
Logo Landkreis Ammerland
Logo Landkreis Regensburg
Logo Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Klinikum Dortmund
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Kraichtal
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Landkreis Haßberge
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Sexau
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Stadt Staufen
Lease a Bike Dienstradleasing Logo Haslach Im Kinzigtal

Test the leasing calculator for employees and civil servants now.

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We can help.

Your experts for public tenders

Do you have any questions? We have the answers. From A for tender to Z for accessories: just ask our experts. Get in touch and let us advise you on how you can organise your tender for company bike leasing.

Contact options for public employers

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