Cargo bikes come in different shapes and sizes, so you can easily transport your child, your dog or even your shopping. The possibilities are almost unlimited: They come with or without pedal assistance, with two or three wheels and in all kinds of colours.
Thanks to company bike leasing, you save costs and can use the cargo bike for leisure as well as for your way to work. It's easy and quick to pick up the kids from school in a busy city, or to quickly ride to the supermarket if you can avoid the traffic jam. Bring your kids along and take a test ride at your local bike shop.
Experiences of others who already use our company bikes
In an increasingly urbanized world where environmental awareness and sustainability play an ever more important role, companies are looking for innovative solutions to optimize their corporate mobility. In recent years, corporate bike leasing has proven to be an attractive option for companies that want to promote both the health of their employees and environmental sustainability.
At Lease a Bike, we've known it for a long time, but now science agrees - cyclists are happier. The reasons were investigated in a study by the University of Auckland. The researchers have observed in previous studies that people who switch from cars or public transport to bicycles are measurably happier.
The subsidy for company bikes was adjusted so that riding a company bikes is now even more favorable for employees. The assessment basis for the taxable non-cash benefit for private use is now divided into four.